Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Techniques for Samples of Autobiography Essay for College That Only a Few People Know About
Techniques for Samples of Autobiography Essay for College That Only a Few People Know About When written, there'll be as many life stories because there are people. As already said above, every individual should know how to write autobiography. Because a lazy person will search for an effortless means to do it! Try to remember, you must create a great impression. It may be a great point to incorporate a plot twist. There's no correct or wrong time for picking the title for life story. Up in Arms About Samples of Autobiography Essay for College? These samples can help save you valuable time, especially on the best way to begin an autobiography. Autobiography samples will make it simple for the writer to organize thoughts. Luckily, there are lots of innovative and well-thought-out autobiography samples that are readily available. Our pool of professional academic writers can assist you anytime to present your ideal autobiography essay. Opt for the best stories you'll be able to remember that have influenced you. In the event the story was non-chronological, be certain that by the conclusion of an autobiographical essay everything comes together as one comprehensive piece. Everything in your story needs to be accurate. The Pain of Samples of Autobiography Essay for College Writing autobiographical essay demands certain essay abilities. Make it your aim to include anecdotes on your first successes and failures. Thus, when you plan your autobiography, be certain you concentrate on events that had significant influence on your life and totally ignore the tidbits. So if you produce a great autobiography example, you increase your odds of getting into a very good college or winning a cool contest with nice prizes. Set yourself loose and total entire paper. Before you commence writing your college essay, you might need to see the essay examplesA that we've listed for you, so that you may have more idea on what things to put in the college essay which you will create. Not only does this provide a coherent order to your reflections, but in addition it makes a paper more readable and simple to follow. Employ a seasoned copy editor to make certain that your book will have that expert polish. There's, naturally, a limit on the variety of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. My very first impression after the exposure was I had to learn the role of these machines but no student was ready to assist me in the learning procedure. There's no introduction and conclusion, but still there are particular requirements that must be observed. It is not important to us, whether you're too busy on the job concentrating on a passion undertaking, or simply tired of a seemingly infinite stream of assignments. All About Samples of Autobiography Essay for College In that situation, it's going be called personal statement, and you will need to link experience to studies. This will supply you a basis to work on. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. Consult with the significance and produce a connection to the start. Utilizing the most suitable strategies and format to generate the writer more creative are necessary. Possessing good essay examples provides the reader an in-depth and on-the-court idea about what a well structured and coherent essay appears like. Being a real beginner, have a hint by seeking their help too. Make an outline and adhere to a coherent means to describe it. The Samples of Autobiography Essay for College Cover Up You ought to keep in mind that it's only feasible to locate useful tips at reliable web websites. A well designed and simple to use website can enable the residents of your association by making them feel as they are a part of the community. From time to time, the best method to learn and understand new information is via seeing and understanding work which is already completed. A community website offers information and details to residents and board members with a couple of easy clicks 24 hours per day 7 days per week. Your college essay should contain information that are related to the instruction offered to you. Just because you've already written a college essay for a single university doesn't mean that it may also apply on your next applications. Writing a college admission essay can be quite tough. Writing the college application essay can be among the most daunting sections of applying to college. Besides having an exceptional SAT score, you would have to develop the very best college essay. The duration of your essay is not what universities start looking for. What subjects you enjoy, if you want to connect your college studies to them, or why you will select a different career path, etc. I was not able to pass one of the main subjects. Ruthless Samples of Autobiography Essay for College Strategies Exploited Or are you single, trying to find a husband, or wife, have you ever suffered heartbreak, etc. If you wish to get into a great college and find a great job, you will need to say that you're worth it and will cope with this. There are times some teachers aren't professional or don't explain a few of the lessons well. My mom claims that my very first word was money.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Slavery Of The White Folks Essay - 1356 Words
For others, age had little bearing on what was expected of them when it came to labor. Louisa Adams was 8 years old when Union soldiers freed her. Prior to that, she â€Å"picked feed for the white folks. They sent many of the chillun to work at the salt mines, where we went to git salt. My brother Soloman wuz sent to the salt mines. Luke looked atter the sheep†(Library of Congress). Whether or when a child went to work in the fields depended on the needs of owners or employers. Andrew Moss claimed he worked in the field when he was too young to manage regular-size tools, but â€Å"dey had little hoes†obviously designed for the young workers, who â€Å"walked many a mile . . . up and down de rows, followin’ de grownfolks†chopping weeds. Jacob Branch reported that â€Å"by the time us good sprouts, us pickin’ cotton and pullin’ corn†(King 86). Many former slaves began working as soon as they were old enough to perform simple chores and continued to work throughout their lives. â€Å"I weren’t nothing but child endurin’ slavery, but I had to work the same as any man,†claimed Mingo White (Library of Congress). Whether they spent their day at hard labor or doing menial tasks, there was one thing the vast majority of slave children had in common – their lack of formal education. Fearing that literacy would prove a threat to the slave system, all the Southern slave states passed laws forbidding slaves to learn to read or write and making it a crime for others to teach them. Accordingly, the vastShow MoreRelatedThe Foundations Of Racial Capitalism, Imperialism And Colonialism Essay1468 Words  | 6 Pagesexistence of African people, and those of the diaspora. As a result of these institutions, the history and implementation of slavery and colonialism have had lasting effects that are essential to the current position of Black folk in Africa and the diaspora; altering the way we view ourselves, our country and the world. Throughout different moments in history, Black folk have equated freedom and liberation with equality, justice, and the right to live as you wish. By looking at the ReconstructionRead MoreAnalysis Of Frederick Douglass s Working Class Neighborhoods And Everyday Life 1441 Words  | 6 Pagesparticularly in Georgia and South Carolina. In his address he defined the liberation of African Americans from slavery as a fraud as white supremacy in the South has enabled white men to continuously hold dominance over black people. This dominance was not only prevalent in the ubiquitous presence of whites in the Congress, but also in the laws that put black working class under the control over their white employers. 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The riches created by the unpaid labor of African Americans helped to guarantee the country’s industrial revolution and succeeding economic strength. Yet, that wealth created incredible political power for slaveholders and their representativesRead MoreThe Science Behind Race1185 Words  | 5 PagesDu Bois, The Souls of Black Folk ( Du Bois p.151) In Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged and Profited from Slavery the authors delve into the complexity and the dependency of the American economy on the free labor system pre and post Civil War. Providing compelling evidence of the North’s involvement in slavery well beyond the Southern cotton industry. In addition, Complicity provides the narrative of how the concept of â€Å"race†evolved in America. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Starbucks-Going Global Fast free essay sample
Global Fast Summery Starbucks is one of the largest chains of coffee shops in the world. They started their business in the early 80s as a tiny chain of Seattle coffee shops, grew rapidly in the 90s and now own 5,689 coffee shops in 28 countries. This chain of coffee shops is very well managed by a well seasoned management team popularly known as H20, because of Howard Schultz (Chairman and Chief Global Strategist), Howard Behar ( Head of North American Operations), and Orion Smith (CEO). Although, the company has expanded enormously, since it went public in 1991 but as also encountered a number of problems. The problem it faced had it mounted in home and abroad. The company had its success through the baby boomers in the 90s, but now the Generation X is not liking the environment of the shop and the young generation feel out of place in the coffee shop, above all the price of coffee seems to be little expensive to them. We will write a custom essay sample on Starbucks-Going Global Fast or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The starbucks did not have much competition like Mc Donalds and the likes in the initial days but now they have competitors such as Tullys coffee shop. They also had problems of employees discontentment. The expensive and aggressive marketing trategy has given starbucks market dominancy. They earn $181. 2 million in the year 2000, sales were still growing but it started growing in a decreasing rate, because their aggressive strategy and attitude towards competitors not only they grew rivalry with local business people but they lost customer. It was difficult for them to maintain their growth of 20% only on domestic market. So, they opted for going overseas. They maintain some aggressive attitude in other countries also. The largest overseas market of starbucks was in Japan when they had 368 shops, I-JK was their econd largest overseas market, and by the end of 2001 they started operation in the Middle East. They want to have 10,000 outlets abroad by next three years. In the domestic market they repositioned themselves adding internet service, fast food etc. to maintain their profit. In Japan their profit started declining during 2001. The starbucks need readjust their strategies and reposition them to rise from the fall. Answer of the Question Question No. l. Identify the controllable and uncontrollable elements that starbucks has encountered in entering global market. Answer: The controllable and uncontrollable elements that starbucks has encountered in different markets are described and given in tabular form below: I Name of the country shops in Japan. I IJapan Economic depression. I Elements I Controllable li. Political and legal bindings. (Frances I larcane regulations and generous labor I benefits). bars prosper by servingl food as well as coffee, an area where Istarbucks still struggles. Another risk is loosing customers, because fewer options are available for the customer. And third risk is less but not the least the young generation (Generation X) feels comfortable. Global expansion poses huge risks for Starbucks. For one thing, it makes less money on each overseas because most of them are operated with local partners. Potential solutions: Basing on the risks faced by Starbucks, we can suggest the following solutions. One of the risks that they faced in USA-the risks of market saturation can be over come in focusing on international or global marketing. They may focus on the fact of reducing employee disruption to increase the quality of service and coffee for which they are well known. As they were facing ominously hostile reception from its future consumer (Generation X), they should reposition heir product according to customers need, so that they find can the $3 they are As coffee is the core product of them to serve they should give more focus on improving the quality of coffee. They may make arrangement for some other items beside coffee as well. Â As Starbucks is going abroad to expand it business with local partners of that region there risk of SRC and ethnocentrism. It can be over come through proper adjustment keeping SRC and ethnocentrism away in decision making. Question No. 3. Critique Starbucks overall corporate strategy. Answer: Starbucks are incurring losses for mismatch between their corporate trategies and the customers expectations. Those are described below: When Starbucks is blanketing some specific cities f or dominance, still eight states in the United States are with no Starbucks stores. Starbucks free cities are Butte, Mont. , and N. D. They believe that the more the outlet the more the sale. Basing on this strategy they are increasing their outlets day by day in their domestic region as well as abroad. Without satisfying the customers need, by increasing the numbers they will not be able to succeed in their mission. Starbuckss target customers re the Baby boomers or older generation, it has no differential pricing for the Though Starbucks fully control its business Generation X or younger generation. n the USA, but it has franchisee outside the USA. Depending on the franchisees undermines the strength of Starbucks outside the USA. Starbucks is about to become a global company. But its spending does not match with its status. Starbucks only spends 1% of its revenue as advertisement; whereas most companies its size spend at least 10% revenue. Low spending on advertisement hampers Starbuckss brand building outside the USA. Â By aggressive marketing strategy they have created entry barrier for the competitors through predatory real-estate strategy. Â They have focused on the product concept which myopic attitude in making corporate strategy. Starbucks pay does not come close to match the work load of their employees that created dissatisfaction among them affecting sterling service and even the coffee itself. Schultz should be more cautious to various cultural and ethnic affairs. As a Chair of Starbucks and having market in Muslim dominated regions , he can not make any scathing comment against Palestinian. Question No. 4. How might starbucks improve profitability in Japan? Answer: To improve the profitability in Japan they should reposition their product and service. The Japanese are less conscious about the price. According to the present cultural trend in Japan, younger generation is inclined towards spending their time in a constructive manner. The source from internet says that the Japanese youth have very less time for their leisure. Besides sipping a cup of coffee in a coffee shop they love to learn English Language. Even they do not hesitate to spend 1,500 in an internet caf © Just for sleeping. ompetitors can easily eat up Starbuckss share. So, Starbuck should either reduce the price or increase benefits in Japan. Starbucks can introduce US style online system in Japan, so that busy Japanese can provide their order in the internet. Starbucks can introduce various cultural campaign or entertainment campaign in Japan, so that Japanese youth feel attraction to come Starbucks. In times of economic recession extra activities are necessary to boost up sales. So, for attracting the Japanese market in addition to coffee, arrangement of internet facility and other amenities should also be provided. [pic]
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Seamus Heaney Poetry Essay Example
Seamus Heaney Poetry Essay Seamus Heaney was born April 1939, the eldest member of a family containing nine children. His father lived and worked on a farm of fifty acres in Northern Ireland which was economically less prosperous than Britain, and his fathers real commitment was to cattle dealing. Seamus grew up as a country boy; his poems first came to public attention in the mid-1960s when he was active as one of a group of poets who were subsequently recognized as constituting something of a Northern School within Irish writing and at the time having to deal with the war and troubles of Northern Ireland. His first collection of poems Death of a naturalist was published in 1966 and deals with childhood and experience of life on his fathers farm, in particular Digging and Follower; which focus on his relationship with his father and how he feels as he matures. By the time he reaches maturity his view and attitude towards his father has been changed. He started off admiring his father and liking farming whereas now he realises as a poet, he cannot follow in his fathers footsteps. Primarily Digging and Follower are both concerned with Heaneys relationship with his father and both conclude with the idea that this has changed yet both however express Seamuss admiration for the skill of his father. Other poems involved into this collection consist of Blackberry picking which describes also some of his childhood memories, particularly about discovering disappointment and that things dont always last therefore developing an awareness of mortality, this poem celebrates on of the rituals of country life. We will write a custom essay sample on Seamus Heaney Poetry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Seamus Heaney Poetry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Seamus Heaney Poetry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Another poem in this collection is called the Early Purges which is describing a change of life and death and concerned with Heaney overcoming his childish fear and fascination with death. All his poems are about his childhood, however they all deal with different aspects, and all the poems are put together and conditioned by the sense of time. The technical term that Heaney is using is Vernacular this means him using every day-to-day speech. Digging and Follower are both, deep, thoughtful poems describing his father and his view on himself and the hard graph of farm work his father can clearly achieve. Both poems indicate Heaneys admiration for his father and his grandfather. In Follower the majestic phrase His shoulders globed suggests not only the shape of the physique Seamus admired, but also the metaphorical notion that his father meant the world to him. A nautical theme also seemed to develop through the poem, which continues the concept of respect he has for his father. To Heaney his father is symbolised as a ship with his globed shoulders like a full sail strung. As the sailing ship represents a sanctuary over the ocean, in the poem its symbolising how Seamuss father is a sanctuary to him. Follower clearly shows us Heaney imitates his father but in Digging isnt quite the case. The Follower shows his admiration to plough and grow up like his father but feels guilty not being able to do so like, I was a nuisance, tripping and falling. The title Follower is literal and metaphorical, since it is about the son following the father. It is a poem as a memory of his father as a child; all verses save the last are in the past, before the final verse which brings the reader forward where Heaney is now a man. Seamus Heaney does not use a lot of onomatopoeic words, only clicking and yapping. Heaney might have used the word clicking because in the whole sentence the word clicking can be translated that the horses are actually listening to him as if they know Seamus father. He might use the word yapping because he describes himself to when he was younger, almost as if describing himself to an annoying puppy. When reading Follower you can notice he uses several mathematical and geographical images this can be shown in verse three Narrowed and angled at the ground, mapping the furrow exactly. The word angled suggests mathematical and focus on his work and the word geographical shows geography, and close plans to detail. It draws attention to the precision with which Patric ploughs. He loved to watch his father ploughing but suggests his father is now old and instead of him being explained as the clumsy one he now turns it on his father being the nuisance he shows this It is my father who keeps stumbling behind me, I will not go away. This says now because he is a nuisance he wont go away and leave him alone. The poetry deals with a transformation in Heaney as he decides against farming. Perhaps Heaney, now an established poet having broken away from his family and their traditional employment is now uncomfortable with the decision. In Digging, Heaney clearly expresses he can remember his own role in the digging. It is set when Heaney is an adult about to become a poet; the middle section looks back 20 years before returning to the present. It was with this involvement in which enabled him to watch his father and grandfather at work and able to describe their movements with such precision. And example from the text to express this was The coarse boot nestled on the lug, the shaft against the inside knew was levered firmly. Also the words nestled and levered firmly can give us the indication of the professionalism of Heaneys father. There are also a few colloquial phrases like, By god, the old man can handle a spade in metaphor of digging and roots, showing how the poet in writing is getting back to his own roots. The speaker suggests that his father has great skill when it comes to digging; it indicates to the reader that the country life is strenuous and much effort is required to dig properly. They also give us the image not only is the man digging but also with immense skill; working on the land is a difficult job, which requires a lot of power to stay at. The image of orderly potato plants suggests that working on land is very systematic and this goes perfectly with the ploughed soil image in Follower because of the technical terms used to emphasise that working on land as a difficult and skilled profession. In Digging Heaney does feel a bit guilty as he knows digging isnt for him as shown Ive no spade to follow men like them / between my finger and thumb the squat pen rests. Squat suggesting, shortness, thick and dumpy therefore maybe difficult to use, therefore suggesting the pen may be improper and not meant to be there, either ungainly or uncomfortable. Whereas the word rests gives a sense of inertia, a comfort, still in the moment. There is a contradiction between the two words, therefore using ambivalence meaning being in two minds, a co-existence or opposite feelings. Heaney does not use this term only once he also approaches ambivalence in the forth verse quote The coarse boot nestled on the lug, the shaft. Course represents a rough and rigid texture whereas nestled gives the sense of lightness and delicacy, showing affection through the coarseness. Maybe suggesting hes uncertain or indecisive. Also shows that the time is present and the reader is as if they were reading his thoughts. In digging you can notice the tension, and that he may feel uneasy about some decisions in life. Yet he still boasts about and has a sense of pride about his grandfather. This has been shown My grandfather cut more turf in a day, than any other man in Toners bog. The language is simple and direct. Heaney is constantly finding ways to compare himself to his forefathers. Corked sloppily with paper. This reference back to his childhood is one of the most powerful in the poem. The use of the word sloppily illustrates his inability to work on the farm. In verse two Heaney expresses the notion of him being above his father, and looking down onto him digging, My father, digging. I look down. this therefore becomes symbolic that they are apart as if they dont think the same. Heaney may feel superior to his father and not in the same world. To him his father could be symbolised as nature in the outdoors and natural on the land whereas he may see himself as indoors and surrounded by a man made world, this shows maybe a wall of independence divides them. Heaney refers to poetry as when human experiences come to life. In Blackberry Picking it comes to life in the poem because he describes with enthusiasm his childhood experiences. It is an analysis of how he came to be aware of disappointment. His poetry is used to describe these experiences, almost a way of expressing how his life was then in his eyes and in this case facing the notion of decay and his sense of innocence to awareness and his awareness of developing sexuality. The poetry is brought to life by his multiple emotions he experienced and the blackberries developing as so does he. Some of these emotions he seems disgusted Rat grey fungus and they smelt of rot. These sentences create a vivid and hysterical time warp bringing the reader back into his childhood. He takes us by using his own thoughts, how the landscape was aggressive the briars scratched when he went out. In this poem a childs perspective is shown, he uses strong emotions bringing us into his thoughts of when he was a child. The reader has to look at what hes describing and through his words emotionally expresses a nai ve view on blackberry picking and this then evolves into new thoughts on death and sexuality. Heaney comes across immature when saying I felt like crying. It wasnt fair showing typical of a childs behaviour and no restraint. The poet comes across excited and in a phase of enjoyment to the extravagance of blackberry picking, he comes across almost desperate to tell the audience of his happiness of blackberry picking as if like a young child forever nagging for pointless attention. Sent us out with milk cans, pea tins, jam pots In this phrase he is suggesting he found the desire of his hobby feeling ecstatic and he would go to any lengths to get them you achieve a sense of childish excitement. But thought the poem he develops a multiple of emotions quickly changing to his vast hatred to the rot and stench theyd end up letting off. Expresses new emotions to his discovery that nothing can last forever, he expresses this in the last line Each year Id hope theyd keep, I knew they would not. In Blackberry Picking Heaney uses similes, metaphors and onomatopoeic words creating a picture. In the first line of the poem Heaney uses a metaphor Like a plate of eyes this brings the reader deeper into the poem making them feel slightly awkward, expanding their imaginations to believe almost an illusion, a fantasy picture compared to what was actually going on. It expresses the grossness he was experiencing at the time of the awful sight of the rotting blackberries which as a child would haunt him and would create an image to himself as a young boy to how he would describe this sight. Later in the poem he uses our palms as sticky as bluebeards which is a simile comparing his palms covered in the thorns and juices of the blackberries to Bluebeards erotic lifestyle, both dirty and disgusting, once again involving the evolution of his sexuality. To create vivid touchable images he uses onomatopoeic words which involves the reader within the poem, almost trying to create not only a visual image but a physical and auditory one as well, this has been shown in several places Picking this is onomatopoeic because, it makes an image of sharp pricks getting picked up slowly and painfully one at a time. Potato-drills is also a suggestion to onomatopoeia because the word sounds just like the job it was created to do, creating a whirling image of a potato drill, digging viciously into the ground. In the Early Purges once again Heaney suggests the idea of change and continues with the idea of decay but more over to the sense of life and death and to his present day learning that acceptance. He seems at first to realize that nothing can last forever, almost continuing from after Blackberry picking, picking up from his view that realising nothing will last forever. He clearly expresses heart wrenching feelings of coming to terms with death, from when the kittens drown. He continues to use vernacular language, the use of day to day speech. This helps to bring the audience into a relax environment into his eyes as a six year old. He tells us how he was scared of the animals and had a tremendous fear for big rats, snared rabbits and shot crows he uses this poem to tell his feelings at the time of his emotions towards death and the petrified emotion towards the actions towards the animals. An example of vernacular, every day to day speech Heaney has used is in the third stanza sure isnt it better for them now? Dan said. This uses vernacular in the sense the language used is simple and informal, this sort of language is usually used of a country or a district, instead of official and quite formal language which tended to be used in more upmarket environments. Heaneys use of language is always effective and three examples of this are as follows. Heaney seems very controversial in the way he describes things around him and uses these differences to explain his opinions, a good example of this is in the third stanza when he is describing the kittens drowning Like wet gloves they bobbed and shone till he sluiced. He is controversial within this by using the words wet and shone. Wet emphasizes darkness, dreary and damp mainly associated with the winter season and rain, whereas shone emphasizes happy, bright and the sun, mainly associated with summer and sunshine. These two words suggest his immaturity in never being able to make up his mind. Another thing of Seamuss use of language was expressing his sadness and disappointment to the sad news, he uses words which make the reader feel small and trapped into his mind making you feel sorry for him this is shown in stanza four Suddenly frightened, for days I sadly hung. This makes the reader quiet and almost intimidated by his emotions, feeling sorry for him but also embarrassed because maybe it would have been seen as rather over the top. Another example of a use of his language in stanza five is when he expresses anger and distigtive fears of objects in his life, he uses words to make you feel involved and unstoppable to listen on, because the audience know if they werent to carry on all would be left on a cliff hanger. From this extract Until I forgot them. But the fear came back when Dan trapped the big rats. It is building up suspension slowly and takes you into a mind of his childhood and erupts you with self fear and cold blood rushes around the body. His language is emotional, intriguing the audience with his imagination.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
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Saturday, November 23, 2019
Artist Robert Indiana Facts and Biography
Artist Robert Indiana Facts and Biography Robert Indiana, an American painter, sculptor, and printmaker, is frequently associated with Pop Art, though he has said he prefers calling himself a sign painter. Indiana is most famous for his Love sculpture series, which can be seen in more than 30 locations around the world. The original Love sculpture is located at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Early Life Indiana was born Robert Earl Clark on September 13, 1928, in New Castle, Indiana. He once referred to Robert Indiana as his nom de brush, and said it was the only name by which he cared to go. The adopted name suits him, as his tumultuous childhood was spent moving frequently. Indiana says he lived in more than 20 different homes within the Hoosier State before the age of 17. He also served in the United States Army for three years, before attending the Art Institute of Chicago, the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture and Edinburgh College of Art. Indiana moved to New York in 1956 and quickly earned a name for himself with his hard-edge painting style and sculptural assemblages and became an early leader in the Pop Art movement. His Art Best known for sign-like paintings and sculpture, Robert Indiana worked with many numbers and short words in his work, including EAT, HUG, and LOVE. In 1964, he created a 20-foot EAT sign for the New York World’s Fair that was made of flashing lights. In 1966, he began experimenting with the word LOVE and the image of the letters arranged in a square, with LO and VE on top of each other, with O tilted on its side was soon featured in many paintings and sculptures that can still be seen today around the world. The first Love sculpture was made for the Indianapolis Museum of Art in 1970. The 1973 Love stamp was one of the most widely distributed Pop Art images ever (300 million were issued), but his subject matter is drawn from decidedly un-Pop American literature and poetry. In addition to the sign-like paintings and sculpture, Indiana has also done figurative painting, written poetry and collaborated on the film EAT with Andy Warhol. He reintroduced the iconic Love image, replacing it with the word HOPE, raising more than $1,000,000 for Barack Obamas 2008 presidential campaign. Important Works The Calumet, 1961Figure 5, 1963The Confederacy: Alabama, 1965LOVE series, 1966The Seventh American Dream, 1998 Sources and Further Reading Hobbs, Robert. Robert Indiana. Rizzoli International Publications; January 2005.Indiana, Robert. Love and the American Dream: The Art of Robert Indiana. Portland Museum of Art; 1999.Kernan, Nathan. Robert Indiana. Assouline; 2004.Robert Indiana. Prints: A Catalogue Raisonne 1951-1991. Susan Sheehan Gallery; 1992.Ryan, Susan Elizabeth; Indiana, Robert. Robert Indiana: Figures of Speech. Yale University Press; 2000.Weinhardt, Carl J. Robert Indiana. Harry N Abrams; 1990.​
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Pricing Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Pricing Problem - Essay Example The progress of a pre-negotiation plan that does not reflect any kind of rigorous analysis, assessment and examination through element of cost will lessen the accomplishment of obtaining a reasonable and fair price. Where there is a departure from the established negotiation objective, the memorandum of the price negotiation should not only recognize the negotiated results but also reproduce the same level of rigor and severity in the examination, assessment and basis for its acceptance. In the absence of sufficient price competition, the contracting officer should apply and document in the pre-negotiation plan the analytical and systematic techniques that will help evaluate whether a proposed price is reasonable and fair. The pre-negotiation plan is an official document and certificate of the negotiation objectives of the contracting officers with regard to pricing, business, technological and contractual issues. It documents the pertinent issues and problems to be negotiated and the objectives of cost and a profit or fee objective. Due to the fact that it serves as a foundation of the negotiation, the pre-negotiation plan must completely explain the positions of the government and the contractor. The template, which is integrated as Attachment-A, is provided to help contracting officers in the examination of their negotiation objectives when cost analysis is necessary to support negotiations. â€Å"Contracting activities are encouraged, through implementation level procedures, to establish additional templates that are more aligned with the specific needs of their organization and procurements†(â€Å"Negotiation Documentation: Pre-Negotiation Plan & the Price Negotiation Memorandum†). Completely explain the findings and recommendations of the evaluators, auditors and others providing advisory assistance, foundations of their findings and the extent to which they were involved in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Difficulties of Vocabulary Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Difficulties of Vocabulary Learning - Essay Example In order Arabian students to effectively gain knowledge of English language, such factors as teaching, translation, mass media and diplomacy are required. English is an instrument of learning at various stages in the educational system of Saudi Arabia. This function justifies the choice of the research paper theme: "Literacy: Vocabulary and Difficulties of learning new words (vocabulary) in FL classes and the use of songs to promote vocabulary learning ". English is the only foreign language taught in educational, industrial and governmental institutions. Employees are required to learn English hard because advertisements for job openings in private sector areas emphasize the employers' preferences for potential employees who can speak English. Mass media development is another medium for the presence of English in Saudi Arabia. One of the two national Saudi TV stations, channel 2, is the English Channel (Braine); European language radio station, with broadcasting in English and some in French is 24 hours a day on air; English daily newspapers, the Arab News, the Daily Riyadh, and the Saudi Gazette are also proofs of English importanc e for Arabs. New researches of modern scientists are directed on second language (English) teaching methods improvement. Guarantees of successful teaching methodology in FL classes are the following four components: objective, content, teaching method, and student evaluation techniques (Braine, 2005). Therefore the main objectives for any teacher in FL class is to teach students to speak, read, and listen with grasping the main ideas of contemporary English discourse and to compose semantic passage of up to half a page about a simple subject or incident. Furthermore students should gain enough language knowledge for communication abilities in the outside world. The latter objective can be reached in case of proper four language skills-listening, reading, speaking, and writing mastering. For Arabian students the most common focus of English language training in FL classes is English for academic purposes. Arabian students with limited English proficiency should be able to deal with the linguistic demands of higher education in their subject area (Braine, 2005). Therefore at the end of the period of training in FL class, it is supposed that learners will gain satisfactory skills in academic English enabling them to study freely in English. Nevertheless, a lot of Arabian students feel themselves unconfident concerning the level of English skills obtained. Thus it is of high importance to find a perfect possibility to practice new words knowledge. Of course, communication with native speakers is an undoubtedly perfect method. However not every academic institution has such a possibility. Thus listening to the songs in English is a medium of native speakers' speech transfer. Further on it is necessary to mention that the usage of songs in Arabian students' education process is briefly overviewed in a small quantity of works. Of course there
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Mexican and Italian foods Essay Example for Free
Mexican and Italian foods Essay Many Mexican and Italian foods are very similar and still, the prepared dishes of each country have very distinct and bold flavors. Both countries use meats, grains, and produce that are grown locally to prepare their meals. However, Italian foods are regional and Mexican food is native to the whole country. Many of the spices for flavoring are the same, but they are used with a combination of different ingredients and the foods are prepared differently. Dishes from both countries often use sauces, but each country implements the use of their sauces differently to enhance the flavor of the final dish. If you enjoy cooking or eating, exploring the similarities and differences between Mexican and Italian foods will tempt anyone’s palate. The origin and influences of Mexican and Italian foods Authentic Mexican foods are native to the country and the Pueblo Indians. Corn was grown by the Pueblo’s and many Mexican recipes require corn based specialties such as tacos, enchiladas, tamales and quesadillas. Beans are also a staple food in the Mexican culture. Produce that is grown in the country like avocados, tomatoes and green and red peppers are also used in their recipes to add zest to their flavorful foods. The meat of choice that is used in many of their dishes is pork, but meat is rarely the focal point of the meal. It’s used more to add substance and flavor to the food. Authentic Italian foods vary by region. The Tuscan region uses local produced foods like produce, mellow cheeses, and game meats like boar, deer and rabbit. Beans are also a staple of that region. Rome is known for its hearty soups, lamb and pasta dishes. The main staples of Italy in more general terms are vegetables, grains, legumes and cheeses. The basic diet in Italy is called â€Å"la cucina povera†which mean â€Å"poor peoples food. †The spices and oils used in Mexican and Italian foods Mexican foods tend to be spicy. Many people confuse the spiciness with the sensation of heat. Cinnamon, saffron, cumin is some of the common spices used in Mexican dishes. Lard is used in traditional dishes like tamales. Actually a very small amount is used in frying their food. Lard is preferred and actually necessary to produce some of the authentic flavors known to Mexican food. Some of the common spices used in Italian dishes are saffron, cinnamon, nutmeg, rosemary and sage. Cinnamon is used in a lasagna dish made with cinnamon scented and sauteed chicken gizzards called Vircisgrassi. Olive oil is a staple in the cooking process and on the table. Central and Southern regions prefer a dark green olive oil which is once pressed while Northern regions prefer golden olive oil. Preparation and use of sauces in Mexican and Italian foods Mexican dishes are generally fried or oven baked. Meats are usually boiled and shredded since they are mostly used in dishes rather than as a stand alone meal. Sauces are often used in cooking, but rarely, is additional sauce added before serving. However, sometimes sauces are served on the side for dipping. The majority of Italian dishes are cooked on the stove top. Meats are usually grilled, wine braised or roasted. Italian dishes are known for their rich and thick sauces used in to top their pasta. Many people think of tomato based sauces when they think of Italian dishes, but in fact, many of the sauces are cream based. Mexican and Italian foods are very popular in the United States. American’s have adapted the recipes to their tastes. Recipes that have been adapted are referred to as Mexican-American or Italian-American cuisine not to be confused with authentic Mexican or Italian dishes. Ethnic foods such as these are popular in the diverse American culture. Works Cited Furfaro, Rosemary. Ethnic Cuisine: Italy. 2008. Sallys Place. 13 October 2008 http://www. sallys-place. com/food/cuisines/italy. htm. Peyton, James. Frequently Asked Questions About Mexican Cooking. 1999-2000. Mexican Food Cooking and Recipes. 13 October 2008 http://lomexicano. com/faq_mexican_food_cooking__recipes. htm.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Life & Liberty Essay -- essays research papers fc
                         Life and Liberty           â€Å"A bill of rights are what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse.†–Thomas Jefferson 1781           â€Å"There has been no abuse of rights, and sometimes we must weigh rights against responsibilities.†-Attorney General John Ashcroft 2004      Since our founding fathers first drafted a constitution, America’s core values have been life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; without interference from the government. For the better part of two hundred years, Americans have focused on developing a fair and free democracy, in which everyone has an equal say and as many individual rights and freedoms as are possible in an effective society. Every once in a while, (America fights a major war about every twenty years on average.) improving and maintaining democracy falls into the shadows, and protecting what we have created becomes American’s foremost concern.           The U.S.A. Patriot Act was passed on October 26, 2001, with almost no opposition from Congress. (Senate 98-1, House of Representatives 357-66.)(Life & Liberty) The country was still shaken by the event of September the 11th. In fact while the bill was in deliberation, there was almost no opposition of any kind from special interest groups or organizations nationwide. Once the bill was enacted, two distinct sides were formed, one side confident that any loss of privacy was worth ensuring our safety and protecting our free democracy, and the other side questioning whether the assurance of safety was worth trading away our personal freedoms and right to privacy piece by piece.      The three-hundred forty-two page Patriot Act effects many American institutions, from local laws and civil policies all the way up to the Constitution, and most controversially, the Bill of Rights. The Bush administration maintains that the Act is an instrumental device in counteracting terrorism. They point to Sections 203 through 211 of the bill (Evergreen, Title II), which change the way info... ...ely†(PIPA). With varied poll results like these, it is easy to resolve that the American public is wholly unsure of how the Patriot Act affects them. While the Bush administration seeks to calm Americans and assure them that the Act protects our freedoms, groups like the ACLU seek to frighten and enrage Americans, alerting them to what freedoms have been taken away. With 62% of Americans still in the dark about what the USA Patriot Act actually means and does (Gallup), this is a battle that surely will not end soon. Works Cited: Evergreen State College; â€Å"Official legal summary of the USA Patriot Act†, February 14, 2003 Gallup Polling Organization poll conducted August through September 2003, released September 6, 2003 On-Air interview with Larry King October 21, 2004, taken from Supreme Court case decisions taken from â€Å"Letters of Thomas Jefferson†, 1781, Virginia State Library Foundation Congress voting results taken from Life& PIPA (Program on International Policy Attitudes and the Center for International and Security Studies) University of Maryland. Poll conducted August through September 2003, released September 18, 2003.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Environmental Scan Essay
The week three assignment for Strategic Management MGT 498 involves researching the environmental scanning practices of two to three real-world companies’ internal and external environments and describe their internal and external environments. This assignment provides a brief overview on the competitive advantages of each identified company and what strategies these companies use. Included in the assignment is information on how each company creates value and sustains their competitive advantage through business strategies and what measurement guidelines each company uses to verify their strategic effectiveness. Last, the assignment provides the effectiveness of these measurement guidelines. This paper contains the environmental practices of Domino Pizza, Inc. versus Pizza Hut, Inc. Stakeholders, customers, and members of an organization’s board of directors expect executive leaders to balance the strategic fit of a company to what the environment wants and what the corporation has to offer. The expectation necessitates executives to strike a balance between what the corporation needs to what the environment can provide. The organizational balance involves both the internal and the external stakeholder. Environmental scanning allows an organization to identify possible external opportunities and threats, and look within the organization’s internal environment for strengths and weaknesses (Wheelan & Hunger, 2010). The fast food culture in the United States has grown from a $6 billion-a-year industry in 1970 to a massive corporate franchising empire earning more than $170 billion in annual revenue (Food Empowerment Project, 2010). Leading the way in the fast food culture is the pizzeria industry. The pizza industry is a highly competitive market. Although there are many pizza makers ranging from local pizzerias to international franchises, Domino’s Pizza, Inc. , and Pizza Hut, Inc. are two major restaurants within the industry. In 2009 Pizza Hut, lead the industry with $29 billion and 18% of pizza sales, whereas Domino’s Pizza took 10% of this market with approximately $290 million in sales revenue (Young, 2009). The two competitors battle for consumer appetites, consumer dollars, and consumer attention. Before launching into a major marketing campaign, using valuable corporate resources each company implements a strategic plan with an analysis to identify the weaknesses and threats of their competitor. When Domino’s conducted an organizational analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses, the company recognized their biggest strength is in name recognition, pizza delivery, and take-out pizza. The company understands the importance of brand image and further understands a strong brand image creates customer loyalty and helps the company when introducing new products into the market. Domino’s enjoys a strong business network with franchise owners and boasts a diversified franchise market. Because of the diversification and strong network capabilities with franchisees, Domino’s can increase domestic and global market share, and increase sales opportunities. In contrast, Domino’s weakness relates to a decline in domestic store sales affecting brand image and company’s profits (Henry, 2010). Consequently, Domino’s opportunity over competitors is their focus on pizza delivery services. Pizza delivery for Domino has improved operating effectiveness with minimized spending. Another opportunity for Domino’s is the mobile device industry. Threats to Domino’s include competition in the pizza delivery industry, consumer health awareness, and an increase of labor and food prices (Henry, 2010). On the other hand, Pizza Hut, Inc. is the number one pizza manufacturer in the pizza industry enjoying strong brand image and recognition, and their organizational analysis revealed some of the same strengths as with Domino’s. In addition to a strong brand name, their organizational strengths include a competitive advantage in developing a large network of full service pizza restaurants with delivery service, targeting different segments with a broad range of products, and a strong franchisee network. The organizational analysis shows Pizza Hut maintains high overhead costs with their full service restaurants, high cost of pizza products leading, and an internal conflict among franchisee owners. In contrast, the external environmental analysis reveals Pizza Hut’s opportunities remain in pricing by creating and offering innovative pizza selections, increased brand loyalty through good customer service, updating customer online ordering system, expanding home delivery services, and entering new markets. Threats, facing Pizza Hut come from Domino’s Pizza as the number one competitor in delivery service. Because Pizza Hut boasts claims as the number one pizza manufacturer, the organization faces threats of competitors matching their products and imitating their strategy methods to gain market share (â€Å"Scribd. om,†2012). The competitive advantage used by Domino’s Pizza is in their delivery service market and the fact Domino’s does not incur the overhead costs associated with sit-in dining restaurants. The competitive advantage Pizza Hut has over Domino’s is in name recognition, brand- in-store dining, and a variety of menu selections. The external environmental factors used by each organization to determine environmental scanning and strategic planning are societal, task, and natural environment reports. Societal environment scanning influences long-term strategic planning and takes into consideration economic forces, technological forces, political-legal forces, and sociocultural forces. Task environmental scanning involves remaining aware of the trends and changes within the respective industry, and natural environmental scanning involves those factors affecting the ecological system and how the organizations carbon footprint affects the ecological system (Wheelan & Hunger, 2010). Both Domino’s and Pizza Hut value and understand the power of the consumer and are attentive to trends affecting consumers. The business strategy applied by each organization focuses on the customer and making each operation more efficient. For instance, Domino’s focus is on the fast-food side of the pizza industry and places emphasis on take-out and delivery services. Pizza Hut on the other hand, prefers to offer consumers the option of take-out, delivery, or dining-in. Each has created value with advantages of the Internet. With online ordering and delivery services offered by both, placing value on consumer personal time is a value added. However, Pizza Hut sustains a competitive advantage over Domino’s with customer service, upgrading customer online ordering systems, expanding home delivery services (Wheelan & Hunger, 2010). Both restaurants use various advertising strategies as a measurement guideline to verify how their strategic effectiveness brings a return on investment. Both restaurants rely heavily on television advertising campaigns, which account for 92% of Pizza Hut’s paid media advertising, and 94% of Domino’s paid media advertising (Young, 2009). In using social-media as a strategy, Pizza Hut implemented a broad-range of programs across social media outlets. According to reports, nearly 400,000 people view Pizza Hut advertising through social media. Domino’s social media efforts, reaches 370,610 potential customers with both Domino’s and Pizza Hut tripling their investment in online advertising. Domino’s primarily promoted delivery service across a broad range of sites, including Amazon, Ask, Yahoo! , MySpace, Facebook, College Humor, Yellow Pages, and local newspaper sites. Pizza Hut used their key product calendar to push online sales, sending users to the company’s website to place delivery orders targeting a younger and more female-skewed audience to sites, including ETonline, Cosmo Girl, Elle, Fandango, and Fox News. Each restaurant uses mobile device apps to reach consumers. Pizza Hut’s app allows customers to order menu items directly from their mobile devices by using an intuitive touch-screen interface. The Domino’s mobile-ordering application is an iPhone optimized web app. By visiting Dominos. om, customers use an ordering system designed specifically for iPhones or an iPod Touch. Domino’s Pizza used an outdoor campaign, whereas Pizza Hut did not (Young, 2009). The effectiveness of the guidelines used by each company to measure their ability to grab the attention of consumers is in the tale of sales receipts. According to Young, Domino’s use of TV ads directed toward recession-related advertising, and value-based offers showed good focus and resulted in a positive impact on traffic and sales. Their online and search activity supporting those promotions led to increased uptake with online delivery. A recent market share report ranked Domino’s Pizza number one in online sales with an increase of 28% in market share, up from 11%. On the other hand, Pizza Hut’s use of smart media programs, particularly in social media did not increase sales. In fact, Pizza Hut’s receipts were down by 8% (Young, 2009). In conclusion, environmental scanning allows companies to dissect the competition to determine opportunities and threats allowing management to create a strategic plan to propel their organization in front of respective competitors. The process allows organizations to look within to understand internal strengths and weaknesses and look at changes needed to support identified opportunities and threats of competitors. In the case of Pizza Hut and Domino’s, Pizza Hut has brand and name recognition above Domino’s Pizza. However, Domino’s environmental scanning identified an opportunity against Pizza Hut with online sales, thus propelling Domino has to gain valuable market share increasing sales by 11% whereas Pizza Hut’s sales fell by 8%.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A finger at the monster Essay
The monsters attempts fail. When he tries to befriend blind De Lacey, his son Felix, takes it as if the monster is trying to hurt the old man, and with â€Å"supernatural force tore†(134) the monster away from his father. Although, the monster could have â€Å"torn him limb from limb†(134) his â€Å"heart sunk†(134). The monster realized that he will never be accepted by anyone due to his appearance, and how could anyone accept him when his own creator abandoned him. The monster is all alone. At this point he seeks revenge, revenge upon Victor that â€Å"cast him abroad an object for the scorn and horror of mankind†(138) and rightfully so. When the monster saves a girl from drowning, instead of people showing him gratitude he is shot and wounded, his â€Å"reward of my benevolence†¦ the miserable pain of a wound†(140). Why should he continue to be kind to humans, when every encounter he had with them were horrific, and all due to his appearance. It is no surprise that the monster turned from good to evil after everything he endured. He adapted to the elements he was surrounded with, not by choice. The monster is an outsider of his abnormality, isolated from society. All he wants is someone to talk to, a friend, and thus, asks Victor to â€Å"make him happy†(145) by creating a companion of opposite sex, as â€Å"hideous†(145) as he is. Victor agreed to fulfill his wishes but, in the end, he changes his mind and destroys it, leaving the first monster alone, yet again. He robs the monster hope of a companion, in doing so provokes him. Victor’s justification that the monster might be â€Å"more malignant than her mate†(164) sounded more like an excuse to abort his work. He was well aware what his actions might lead to, Henry’s and Elizabeth’s death (which they ultimately did). The monster warned Victor that he will be with Victor on his wedding night (167). However, Victor brushes it off as if the monster was threatening his life. He was so self-centered that if he paid closer attention to the monsters threats he would have realized that he was not referring to Victor but, to Elizabeth when he said â€Å"Shall each man, find a wife for his bosom, and each beast have his mate, and I be alone? †(166). Victor is wrapped around his own self-pity, feeling sorry for Elizabeth when she finds, â€Å"her lover so barbarously snatched from her†(167). He doesn’t feel sorry for Elizabeth, his sorrow is for himself. Victor is left to anticipate his death. One is quick to judge the unfortunate monster that is left to fend for itself. Alone, abandoned, lonely and loveless, thriving for one tiny bit of human attention and acceptance from anyone. You may argue that the killer deserved no less. However, do not be hasty in your judgment of the ill-fated creature who was abandoned by his hypocritical creator for the sole reason of not being pleasing to the eye. The mind of the creator, Victor, proved to be quite shallow. He did not take time to assess true worth of his creation, to see what is valuable under the unsightly exterior. So what if the monster was not appealing enough? The monster was intelligent, patient and in need of love and company. The monster was not picky of whose company that may be. He is willing to talk to anyone who would stand the sight of him, but no one did. A killer whose hand was â€Å"forced†to kill by his creator who did not take responsibility to train his creation, teach him right from wrong – educate him. One can argue that Victor Frankenstein didn’t kill anyone therefore is less of a monster. If you take into consideration that he deserted his so called â€Å"first born†, he might as well have killed the monster and saved him years of misery, sorrow, humiliation, loneliness and abandonment. Think of it this way; in the eyes of the dragon St. George, it must have looked as the biggest monster, but, under the circumstances, opinion of the poor creature counts for very little. We don’t seem to care for the dragon anymore than we care for a poorly created monster. Do we not then blame the creation more than we blame the creator who is greedy, self-centered, self-indulgent, self-gratifying, conceited, egoistical and selfish to no end? Victor, the creator, is not a killer but he may as well been. His actions lead to many innocent lives. Victor never tried to rectify his behavior towards the monster, even after the first death occurred. Victor just took the death as his punishment. He didn’t stop the second killing, third nor fourth. It was Victor’s sole responsibility to care for the creature. Even if you still argue that the monster was the one committing murders, admitted that was his only sin. The monster had not thought of the meaning of â€Å"thou shall not kill†. Can you argue that the creator’s greed for power was any less deadly of the sin than the one of his creation? Victor’s pride which prevented him from accepting the monster was also the reason that instigated his need for monsters creation. All Victor had ever done was for his own prestige and glory that served himself with total disregard of others. With all the killings the monster had committed, you still find sympathy for the poor creature. At least he is regretful and remorseful for his actions. The monster confessed his sins and wept in his self-realization, â€Å"even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation, I am alone†(218). We find the sympathy to forgive the unfortunate monster for the fear that perhaps, heaven forbid, one day we would end up alone. Works Cited Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. Ed. Karen Karbiener. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The second world war - the home front in britain essays
The second world war - the home front in britain essays THE SECOND WORLD WAR: THE HOME FRONT IN BRITAIN (1). Source C is more useful as it is far more detailed and descriptive. The source is written by a teacher who was evacuated with children from her school, so it is a primary source. It puts the reader into the position of the child and describes the atmosphere. It describes the sounds and the sights that the children saw as they left. There was much apprehension and some excitement in the children as they left their parents and homes. Most were completely unaware of where they were going, what they would do and were completely ignorant of when they would be coming back. It gives an idea of the sadness that mothers felt as they waved goodbye to their children, not knowing when they would be back or where they were going. It says they pressed themselves against the gates saying goodbye darling. That gives you a visual picture of what it was like and it is also far more personal that Source B. It describes one persons view in more detail and gives the reader more of an insight. You can learn from Source B that there were obviously a lot of children to transport and there are not very many adults accompanying them. The mothers did not accompany them and the children in the picture seem to be led in a fairly organised manner. It also gives information about the evacuees form of dress and appearance at the time. Some looked quite tattered and unkempt. Those who had come from richer homes would have looked tidier. Although you learn these things, it is not as useful as Source C because it does not show the feelings of the evacuees and the apprehension. It can only give the reader a visual picture but no personal insight into the emotions of the evacuees. (2). I think this source is reliable to a degree as evidence about evacuees. It is true that the hosts sometimes expected the evacuees to be in much better condition than they were in. The woman in this source e...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Capture of Inca Atahualpa
The Capture of Inca Atahualpa On November 16, 1532, Atahualpa, lord of the Inca Empire, was attacked and captured by Spanish conquistadors under Francisco Pizarro. Once he was captured, the Spanish forced him to pay a mind-boggling ransom amounting to tons of gold and silver. Although Atahualpa produced the ransom, the Spanish executed him anyway. Atahualpa and the Inca Empire in 1532: Atahualpa was the reigning Inca (a word similar in meaning to King or Emperor) of the Inca Empire, which stretched from present-day Colombia into parts of Chile. Atahualpas father, Huayna Capac, had died sometime around 1527: his heir apparent died around the same time, throwing the Empire into chaos. Two of Huayna Capacs many sons began to fight over the Empire: Atahualpa had the support of Quito and the northern part of the Empire and Huscar had the support of Cuzco and the southern part of the Empire. More importantly, Atahualpa had the allegiance of three great generals: Chulcuchima, Rumià ±ahui and Quisquis. In early 1532 Huscar was defeated and captured and Atahualpa was lord of the Andes. Pizarro and the Spanish: Francisco Pizarro was a seasoned soldier and conquistador who had played a large role in the conquest and exploration of Panama. He was already a wealthy man in the New World, but he believed that there was a rich native kingdom somewhere in South America just waiting to be plundered. He organized three expeditions along the Pacific coast of South America between 1525 and 1530. On his second expedition, he met with representatives of the Inca Empire. On the third journey, he followed tales of great wealth inland, eventually making his way to the town of Cajamarca in November of 1532. He had about 160 men with him, as well as horses, arms and four small cannons. The Meeting in Cajamarca: Atahualpa happened to be in Cajamarca, where he was waiting for the captive Huscar to be brought to him. He heard rumors of this strange group of 160 foreigners making their way inland (looting and pillaging as they went) but he certainly felt secure, as he was surrounded by several thousand veteran warriors. When the Spanish arrived in Cajamarca on November 15, 1532, Atahualpa agreed to meet with them the next day. Meanwhile, the Spanish had seen for themselves the riches of the Inca Empire and with a desperation born of greed, they decided to try and capture the Emperor. The same strategy had worked for Hernn Cortà ©s some years before in Mexico. The Battle of Cajamarca: Pizarro had occupied a town square in Cajamarca. He placed his cannons on a rooftop and hid his horsemen and footsoldiers in buildings around the square. Atahualpa made them wait on the sixteenth, taking his time to arrive for the royal audience. He eventually showed up in the late afternoon, carried on a litter and surrounded by many important Inca noblemen. When Atahualpa showed up, Pizarro sent Father Vicente de Valverde out to meet with him. Valverde spoke to the Inca through an interpreter and showed him a breviary. After leafing through it, Atahualpa disdainfully threw the book on the ground. Valverde, supposedly angry at this sacrilege, called on the Spanish to attack. Instantly the square was packed with horsemen and footmen, slaughtering natives and fighting their way to the royal litter. The Massacre at Cajamarca: The Inca soldiers and noblemen were taken completely by surprise. The Spanish had several military advantages which were unknown in the Andes. The natives had never seen horses before and were unprepared to resist mounted foes. The Spanish armor made them nearly invulnerable to native weapons and steel swords hacked easily through native armor. The cannon and muskets, fired from the rooftops, rained thunder and death down into the square. The Spanish fought for two hours, massacring thousands of natives, including many important members of the Inca nobility. Horsemen rode down fleeing natives in the fields around Cajamarca. No Spaniard was killed in the attack and Emperor Atahualpa was captured. Atahualpas Ransom: Once the captive Atahualpa was made to understand his situation, he agreed to a ransom in exchange for his freedom. He offered to fill a large room once with gold and twice over with silver and the Spanish quickly agreed. Soon great treasures were being brought from all over the Empire, and greedy Spaniards broke them into pieces so that the room would fill more slowly. On July 26, 1533, however, the Spanish became frightened at rumors that Inca General Rumià ±ahui was in the vicinity and they executed Atahualpa, supposedly for treason in stirring up rebellion against the Spaniards. Atahualpa’s ransom was a great fortune: it added up to some 13,000 pounds of gold and twice that much silver. Sadly, much of the treasure was in the form of priceless works of art which were melted down. Aftermath of the Capture of Atahualpa: The Spanish caught a lucky break when they captured Atahualpa. First of all, he was in Cajamarca, which is relatively close to the coast: had he been in Cuzco or Quito the Spanish would have had a harder time getting there and the Inca may have struck first at these insolent invaders. The natives of the Inca Empire believed that their royal family was semi-divine and they would not lift a hand against the Spanish while Atahualpa was their prisoner. The several months that they held Atahualpa allowed the Spanish to send for reinforcements and come to understand the complex politics of the empire. Once Atahualpa was killed, the Spanish swiftly crowned a puppet Emperor in his place, allowing them to maintain their hold on power. They also marched first on Cuzco and then on Quito, eventually securing the empire. By the time one of their puppet rulers, Manco Inca (Atahualpas brother) realized that the Spanish had come as conquerors and started a rebellion it was too late. There were some repercussions on the Spanish side. After the conquest of Peru was complete, some Spanish reformers - most notably Bartolomà © de las Casas - began asking disturbing questions about the attack. After all, it was an unprovoked attack on a legitimate monarch and resulted in the massacre of thousands of innocents. The Spanish eventually rationalized the attack on the grounds that Atahualpa was younger than his brother Huscar, which made him a usurper. It should be noted, however, that the Inca did not necessarily believe that the eldest brother should succeed his father in such matters. As for the natives, the capture of Atahualpa was the first step in the near-total destruction of their homes and culture. With Atahualpa neutralized (and Huscar murdered on his brothers orders) there was no one to rally resistance to the unwanted invaders. Once Atahualpa was gone, the Spanish were able to play off traditional rivalries and bitterness to keep the natives from uniting against them.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Individual Design Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Individual Design Report - Assignment Example Pumping fresh water out causes the increase in the degree of salt water intrusion, hence a sustainable and practical method of fresh water extraction mechanism must prevent the furtherance of such phenomenon. This design is a practical application of the mechanisms design by Dr. Bhattacharya and Dr. Basack where, a practical design for groundwater extraction was created specifically for arid regions using qanats that aims to, aside from extracting fresh water from aquifers, would create least, if not negligible, damage to the natural underground water system. Solution Both proponents of the theory based their mathematical equation to the equilibrium between saline water and that of the fresh water in the aquifers, where an interface can be calculated using the Ghyben-Herzberg relationship with the assumption of (1) homogenousity; (2) separation by a sharp interface; and (3) absence of mixing zone. Aside from using the equation and the assumption above, it is important to consider the theory of up-coning where the interface (where salt water and fresh water meets) lowers due to the extraction of fresh water (which is less dense than salt water). As the pressure above is considerably reduced, the shape of the rise of the saline water is conical and once the conical mound has been reached, the saline water mixes with the fresh. Given this scenario, it is vital that we determine the height of the cone created and from there, we can establish the amount of water to be extracted at a certain amount of time before fresh water is replenished in order to a avoid salt water intrusion. Recommendations (development and testing) Determination of the number of qanats to be used and the stratification of the bed rock present and the soil decomposition should be a preliminary resort before the implementation of the project. List of Contents Introduction Background Detail The water crisis is a looming peril that not only the third world country will have to face, but is becomin g a worldwide phenomenon at that. Water crises such as shortages and the lack of access to potable water resource suggest lack of governance and an overall mismanagement of use. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, the huge bulk of those affected by the water crises are the residents of poor countries who are gulled by the total lack of accessible water as well as the presence of water-borne disease. These are the places that suffer shortages due to the topography and the natural features of the place where it can easily be infiltrated with wastes. Even if the water crisis is the symptom of another problem, it should be given top priority. A proposal for immediate resolution is the development of sustainable water extraction facilities, especially in aquifers proximate to salt water sources such as the sea. Why the design was undertaken The main objectives for the development of a reliable water extraction system aside from effectively drawing out water from an underground sourc e is the removal of the contaminants and prevention of salt water intrusion deeper into the fresh water aquifer. There are also other important aspects such as remedial operations. Under a remedial system, it is to be kept in mind that the levels of contaminants present in an aquifer should be reduced otherwise removed. Based on the different objectives of
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Is gender equality achievable in a Muslim society Research Paper
Is gender equality achievable in a Muslim society - Research Paper Example Since the pre-modern era, Muslim society has maintained a strong stand regarding gender-based issues that seemed to bring confusion in the community (Razack 23). This entailed specifying clearly diverse rights encompassing both genders coupled with certain areas and rituals where they best applied. Islam mainly draws its guidance from Qur’an whose teachings normally regard men and women as equal before God and no one is a derivative of the other (Keshavjee 113). However, during prayers, the worship doctrines disregard the service of a woman being an Imam. For the past 150 years, Muslim society has undergone tremendous changes fueled by the emergence of modernity in their states. Moreover, the western culture, like other global communities, has influenced Muslim society towards esteeming of women to the extent of allowing them into the political arena (Fadel). For instance, within the 150-year span, Muslim women have shown excellence in politics and other varied areas like educ ation where some of them are prominent scholars. This is evident in states like Pakistan where Benazir Bhutto held a post of prime minister. These manifestations backed by some religion liberties foresee the achievable gender equality in Muslim society. Islam is particularly amusing in the context how it defines gender equality. For instance, contrary to other societies, at certain incidences women have the privilege of inheritance when even the most influential people do not encompass any mandate to question (Abdullah). This is evident in the case of the husband’s demise or when the father willingly offers to give inheritance. Muslim society defines gender equality in diverse contexts that encompass ritual, family and public. In the family with the man being the head, a woman is liable for the family’s upbringing in the absence of the husband when she becomes the one in charge (Keshavjee 109). Other contexts, except religious services, do not hold strict guidelines wh ich pave more way for women to exercise diverse privileges that will uplift equality. Globally, women activists, especially the political figures, continue to exact pressure regarding Muslim female gender recognition (Abdullah). This aspect acts a motivation to the upcoming female generation who will be vibrant in ensuring that their presence and dignity receive necessary esteem. Hence, they contribute to gender equality even in the most cultured states that currently fail to accept feminine political leadership. Contrary to the pre-modern theologians, who advocated against women holding certain posts in the society, the current situation has changed (Keshavjee 112). Numerous states have permitted women to venture in the political arena where, according to their excellence, they can assume varied posts at which their competence can allow them serve best. This is evident in states like Pakistan, Turkey and Bangladesh (Feryal). Modern religion theologians are not anti-female concernin g their serving in elevated posts so long they observe norms of modesty. Education has also contributed immensely to the emancipation of females from the strict cultures of various states, especially those that entail extremism and enhancement of gender equality (Abdullah). This has offered a woman an upper hand and revolutionized her against certain weird practices, for instance, public canning of women lawbreakers. The action emanates from modern theology that offers room to women since some are becoming independent due to education status, thus, some becoming scholars (Keshavjee 110). This renders them being cosmopolitans and encountering west modernity that continues revolutionizing women further (Feryal). For illustration, an English-speaking Muslim does not apply family law that the Middle East states advocate and emphasize. This depicts a revolutionized society that has disregarded some practices that degrade women and adopt those which will try to enhance equality due to ove rwhelming family
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Gender and Educational Achievement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Gender and Educational Achievement - Case Study Example The discussion here will bring out the sociological reasons to show why girls in recent years have performed better than boys in typical school curriculum. Many studies and surveys on school performance have showed a correlation between gender and achievement. A study by Hubbard (2005) has been based on a survey involving 30 successful African American high school students. The gender based experiences and results defy traditional patterns of educational underachievement associated with a minority group and challenge the notion that minority students show a resistance to schooling. However the study indicated gender based variations in strategies and college aspirations as well as methods of gaining success suggesting variations on the basis of ethnicity and gender especially in the context of diverse American population. Peer interactions, school practices and community experiences are crucial in shaping educational outcomes of individuals although gender forms the central factor in determining achievement. Hubbard (2005) suggests that intertwining of school, family and community cultures construct attitudes dependent on gender and beliefs. Despite the sharing of common racial or class identity, gender variations ca mediate and change pe rceptions and behavior and this is reflected in social situation inside and outside school. In a related study Demie (2001) suggested that raising levels of achievement among students would be vital element of any school improvement focus. The extent and reasons of underachievement have been examined here and the statistical trends and patterns of performance are also analyzed to show whether gender ad ethnic factors play a role in academic achievement. The differences in attainment according to Demie are largely related to gender and ethnicity and could have implications for school improvement and general level of performance of students as well. However as Demie argues, there could be no simple explanation for ethnic or gender differences in educational achievement as ethnic heritage would not presuppose any kind of underachievement or higher achievements in any field. Studies have indicated that certain ethnic minority groups like the Asians, Indians and Chinese have levels of achievement above the white population whereas the Caribbean, Portuguese and Africans would be underachievers and achievement is considered as largely dependent on language skills, levels of English and gender differences as well. Better English speakers or people with advanced levels of knowledge in English would naturally perform better and Demie's study (2001) indicated that no matter what the origin of pupils is, girls always tend to perform better and at higher levels than boys in key stages and programs. However apart from gender there may be other factors that seem to have an influence on performance and could be understood by focusing on contextual analysis and analysis of factors that affect educational achievement. The teachers' perceptions on how gender identity seems to impact achievement have been studied by several researchers and Jones and Myhill (2004) carried out a similar study to understand the impact of gender on achievement. They
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Production of Mutant Based Epsilon Toxin (ETK) Vaccines
Production of Mutant Based Epsilon Toxin (ETK) Vaccines Vaccines improve the immune system of an animal or human by stimulating the production of antibodies to fight and combat bacteria, protozoan or viruses effectively creating immunity against disease (Salisbury 1997). Vaccines commonly contain weakened or dead strains of a virus, bacteria or protozoan which elicits the body’s immune system upon recognition to respond by producing antibodies to fight against the invading antigen. In effect, the vaccine introduces the disease or its causative agent into the body to gain a defence response; as a result if the disease enters the body in the future the body can produce the requisite antibodies to fight the disease faster, as it remembers measures taken to fight against the disease previously. Consequently, the time taken to recognize the disease, provide active measure against the disease and minimize any possible signs or symptoms associated with the causative virus, bacteria or protozoan. Building on this function of vaccines this essay critiques the study and subsequent paper of Li et. al. investigation into the production of mutant based epsilon toxin (ETK) vaccines which can provide protection against intoxication. Costridium perfringes a Gram positive spore forming bacterium, is ubiquitously found in the environment and the intestines of humans and animals. Furthermore, it is commonly found in raw meat and poultry and is also linked to foodborne illnesses and food poisoning (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2014). Presently, there are five known strains of C. perfringes which produce a minimum of twelve known protein toxins (The Centre for Food Security and Public Health 2004). To this end, the epsilon toxin (ETX) is produced by the type B and D strains (The Centre for Food Security and Public Health 2004). Moreover, ETX is a pore forming protein which damages cell walls leading to potassium and fluid leakage from cells and it increases the permeability of the cell membrane resulting in ion imbalance; as such ETX has been suggested as a possible biological weapon (Stiles, et al. 2013). Arizona Department of Health (2004) speculates that in the event of a biological attack the epsilon toxin can be spread through food, water or by aerosolization. While all five strains have the capacity to infect wounds in any species; type B and type D have the ability to cause severe enteritis, in young foals, lambs and piglets, and enterotoxemia in young calves, lambs, goats, sheep and foals just to mention a few (Arizona Department of Health Services 2004). The toxin is also known to cause pulmonary edema and neurological symptoms including recumbence hyperesthesia, convulsions, paddling, dyspnea and loss of conciseness when intravenously injected into animals. They are few reported cases on the toxicity of ETX in humans as the type B and D strains rarely infect humans. However, evidence suggest that it can affect the G-402 and ACHN cell lines of the human kidney highlighting its possible toxicity to humans (Li, et al. 2013). The epsilon toxin is secreted as an inactive prototoxin from the cytosol into the environment as a result of a 32 amino acid residue leader sequence. It is then activated by extracellular serine type proteases of the host such as trypsin or chymotrypsin; which subsequently results in the loss 10-13 amino terminal and 22 or 29 carboxy terminal residues depending on the protease used (Stiles, et al. 2013). Moreover, maximal activation results in the loss of 13N-terminal residues and 29 C-terminal residues producing the third most potent toxin of the clostridia class, loss of these two terminals results in the formation of a more acidic protein which possibly favours more productive receptor interactions (Hunter, et al. 1992). Bokori-Brown et al. (2011) states that the prototoxin can also become activated by C. perfringens ÃŽ » – protease. When activated the toxin becomes relatively resistant to proteases in the gastrointestinal tracts of mammals (Stiles, et al. 2013).The effects of the toxin on the cell membranes lead to cell dysfunction, cell death and suffering in the host which can sometimes be fatal. Proteolysis induces a conformational change in the toxin facilitating homo-oligomerization of the activated toxin on the external surface of the cell (Stiles, et al. 2013). After binding to a cell ETX acts quickly. Two groups of pore forming toxins exist, to this effect ETX is a beta pore forming toxin as it forms a beta-hairpin structure to facilitate membrane insertion (Stiles, et al. 2013). Moreover, the toxin has three domains with implications in the function of the toxin. The first domain, domain I-amino terminus, functions in receptor binding, the central domain or domain II functions in membrane insertion and channel formation (Stiles, et al. 2013). The final domain, domain III located at the carboxy terminus functions in proteolysis activation and act as monomer to monomer interaction sites. Subsequent to the loss of the C terminal peptide from the protoxin monomer-monomer interactions leads to homo-heptamer formation. ETX cause pore formation in cell membranes by detergent-resistant, cholesterol-rich membrane domains that promote aggregation of toxin monomers in homo-heptamers (Stiles, et al. 2013). Evidence from research highlights ETX forms transmembrane pores less than two nanometr e in diameter that facilitates the passage of molecule 1kDa in size, increase intracellular chloride and sodium levels and decreased intracellular potassium levels. Furthermore, secondary effects of the toxin include cytoskeletal dysfunction which affects the integrity of cell monolayers (Stiles, et al. 2013). The general layout and presentation of the paper was good and easy for readers to follow. However, the materials and methods should have occurred before the results and discussion to familiarise the readers with the methods used in the experiment. In doing this readers would have an idea of the type of results to be presented or expected. Furthermore, if presented earlier the procedure could be borne in mind in order to help readers understand the information presented in the results and discussion sections and the relevance of the information to the aim of the research. Additionally, if the methodology is placed earlier in the paper it helps readers to determine the extent of the internal validity of the study, as readers can determine for themselves the extent to which results can be interpreted accurately and with confidence with regards to the methods used to obtain the presented findings. Reliability, a necessary condition for validity, is related to consistency of results and t he extent to which the research can be independently replicated by other researchers (Leacock, Warrican and Rose 2009). Based on the information provided the study is reliable and can be replicated independently by researchers with the relevant resources. In addition the use of graphs, tables and photographs of the gels used in the experiment are good means of presenting information. To this end, it presents data in a concise format allowing readers to easily identify pertinent information and reduces the possibility of readers being overwhelmed if this information was to be fully present using only text. It is also important to note that the use of the photos form the SDS-PAGE and the immunoblotting aids in reader visualisation and acts as a point of reference for readers when examining the results and discussion. The introduction presents a good base for the readers but would have benefited from more in depth explanation on the mode of action and structure of ETX and more background information on mutant based vaccinations. Also a proper comparison of the proposed mutant based vaccine and how it would essentially function in contrast to the existing vaccine which only protects against enterotoxemia caused by the disease would have increased the reader’s knowledge about the topic and reinforce the importance of find a viable vaccine with low toxicity. It is important to note that the introduction provided supportive information from previous research about the amino acid residues present in the structure of ETX and their function. By extension the introduction also highlights the chosen sites for mutation in the toxin based and evidence also presented in the paper. A brief synopsis of the methods used with reference to article presented by Li et al. are as follows; sited directed mutagenesis of ETX in the pTIG-trx plasmid, with the obtained sequence being confirmed using nucleotide sequence analysis. Following this the pTIG-mETXs were transformed into competent E. coli for expression which was also driven with a T7 promoter. The bacteria was then collected and purified through a combination of centrifugation, buffer washes, resuspension, sonification, chelation and elution. The purified protein were subsequently analysed using SDS-PAGE, with the highly purified proteins undergoing dialysis and concentration. The next step employed ELISA to identify the antigenicity of the mETXs and rETX using anti-rETX monoclonal antibodies. After electrophoresis the purified mETX protein were transfer from the SDS-PAGE gel using the western blot technique. The ELISA and western blot steps served to illicit the antigenicity of the mETX which both involving the use of goat anti-mouse IgG during incubation periods. A cell culture and cytotoxicity assay was conducted to determine rETX activity by defining its effects on MDCK cells. Three dimensional structure of two mETXs, mETXF199E and mETXH106P, were generated for structural analysis. The two mentioned not-toxic mETXs were used to vaccinate six week old female mice with the same dosage of antigen being given on days 17 and 38 a week later the mice were injected with active recombinant mETX and observed for 72hours. The following step involved the measurement of sera antibody titers. The final step of the experiment tested mice for passive protection against rETX. The use of ELISA is a good means of detecting the presence of ETX and is one of the assays highlighted by the Arizona Department of Health Services for detection of the toxin due to its high detection rates (Stiles, et al. 2013). ELISA combines the specificity of antibodies with the sensitivity of simple enzyme assay by coupling the two, in the experiment it was us to detect the presence of antibodies which recognize ETX (Sino Biological Inc 2014). Additionally, the use of coloured tags indicate a positive reaction when the substrate interacts with the enzyme which also gives visual confirmation of the presence of the antigen or antibody which would have useful implications for this study. Furthermore, it is effective as it produces relatively fast results, which is especially relevant as samples can degrade over time, deterioration may also have implications for the levels of antibodies present. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry uses inmmunoaffinity beads to concentrate ETX or prototoxin from a complex matrix and is also a method commonly used to determine the presence of ETX and may be given consideration if the study is replicated (Stiles, et al. 2013). While ELISA and mass spectrometry are commonly used in the detection they do not determine if the toxin is biologically active. The use of titration was effective as it determined the amount and levels of antibodies required to neutralize the toxin. Random assignment to treatment groups is good as it gives each mouse the same change of being assigned to a group and reduces possibility of bias. However, as only three mice there were used in each group there are possible implications for the analysis of the results, as for experimental research the minimum recommended number is 15 participants for each group, as a sufficiently large sample size is required to produce results among variables that are significantly different (Leacock, Warrican and Rose 2009). A bigger sample size may also be effective in gi ving better credence to the obtained results for each treatment. The use of only female rats can have implications for the generalization of the results and by extension the validity of the study. Furthermore, all of the mice used in the experiment were six weeks in age this does not provide variation and as such does not account for the possible effects age can have on the function of the vaccine and results of the rETX challenge. Validity applies to the generalization of research and the vaccines is aimed for use in animals and humans and these populations contain both males and females, thus the use of one sex in the experiment have implications for generalization of results. The study may have also benefited from longer observation period after the mice were injected with the rETX. Despite the potential market for the vaccine including humans the research was conducted using mice due to ethical considerations. Additionally, the creation of pharmaceutical therapies require severa l animal experiments to be conducted using the treatment under before the ability for a clinical study using humans and the vaccine being offered to the public. The result section has sub headings corresponding to the methods used which aids in easy identification for readers. Some of the significant findings of the research include the yield of six mETXs and up to 98% purity was obtained after purification measures. Additionally, the results showed that the toxin mutants retained the same antigenicity as the rETX. Four of the toxin mutants showed decreased cytotoxicity, while mETXS111Y and mETXS111YF199E showed a slight decrease in toxicity and higher toxicity when compared to rETX thus the researchers excluded the latter two from further analysis. Also of importance is immunization and the subsequent ELISA results of the anti-mETX antibody titres highlighted mETXH106P and mETXF199E showed similar titres and there was no significant difference between the two; but antibody titers also increased after booster immunization. The most significant results demonstrated that mice when challenged with active rETX with dosages up to 100 x LD50 survi ved. In contrast all with dosage of 500 x LD50 or 1000 x LD50 died which have implications for use of the vaccine and provides grounds for further research to obtain vaccines which have a better response to higher dosage of rETX. Investigation into passive protection showed anti-mETXH106P or anit-mETXF199E can completely neutralize a 10 x LD50 dose of activated rETX. The discussion highlighted supporting facts from various sources but there was limited discussion to certain findings of the paper. A possible suggestion is that the authors provide a more in depth discussion about their findings instead of a synopsis. The discussion may have also benefited from a comparison of the mutant based vaccine with the effectiveness of current ETX related treatments. Furthermore in depth explanations of the findings would help readers understand the significance of the findings and implication for future production and use of the tested vaccine. A significant finding highlighted in the discuss ion is that modifications of various amino acid residues result in varying cytotoxicity of the ETX. To this end, the researchers should have discussed why all of the obtained mETX were not tested in the immunization phase. A recommendation is the use of all of the obtained mETXs in the vaccination section of the experiment to determine the possibility of its use as a vaccine to provide immunity against the epsilon toxin. The study did record some success in meeting its aims as two of the mETXs, mETXsH106P and mETXF199E as possible candidates for vaccines against the toxin as they showed strong immunogenicity and safety. However, mETXF199E still has toxicity, as a consequence the researchers have made a possible suggestion to improve the vaccination and lower toxicity. In concluding this article has led to the advancement of the body of knowledge pertaining to protection against ETX. The information from the study despite some limitations is a good read for persons interested in the topic. To this effect, it also provides a theoretical and empirical basis for further study about therapeutic measures to combat the epsilon toxin. It is important to note that it provides a preventative method against the toxin where as other treatments tend to target the ETX related diseases and related symptoms of the toxicity of the toxin, which some treatments delaying the onset of the toxin’s effects or delayi ng or preventing death (The Centre for Food Security and Public Health 2004). References Arizona Department of Health Services. 2004. Epsilon Toxin of Clostridium perfringens Bioterrorism Agent Profiles for Health Care Workers. August. Accessed March 20, 2015. Bokori-Brown, M, C G Savva, S P Ferandes da Costa, C E Naylor, A K Basak, and R W Titball. 2011. Molecular basis of toxicity of Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin. The FEBS Journal 278 (23): 4589-4601. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2014. CDC- Clostridium perfrines Food Safety. January 29. Accessed March 20, 2015. Hunter, S E, I N Clarke, D C Kelly, and R W Titball. 1992. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the Clostridium perfringens epsilon-toxin gene and its expression in Escherichia coli. Infection and Immunity 60 (1): 102-110. Leacock, C J, S J Warrican, and G Rose. 2009. Research Methods for Inexperienced Researchers. Kingston: Ian Randle Publisher. Li, Qing, Wenwen Xin, Shan Gao, Lin Kang, and Jinglin Wang. 2013. A low-toxic site-directed mutant of Clostridium perfringens Ɇº-toxin as a potential candidate vaccine against enterotoxemia. Human Vaccines Immunotherapeutics 9 (11): 2386-2392. Salisbury, David M. 1997. Some Issues Related to the Practice of Immunization. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 1 (3): 119-124. Sino Biological Inc. 2014. ELISA Principle. Accessed March 20, 2015. Stiles, G Bradley, Gillian Bartg, Holger Barth, and Michel R Popoff. 2013. Clostridium perfringens Epsilon Toxin: A Malevolent Molecule for Animals and Man? Toxins (Basel) 5 (11): 2138-2160. The Centre for Food Security and Public Health. 2004. Epsilon Toxin of Clostridium perfringens. January. Accessed March 20, 23015.
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