Sunday, May 24, 2020
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management - 1168 Words
1. Recruitment and selection activities within a high-performance organization include three of the following. Which is not a recruitment and selection activity within a high-performance organization? | A. Finding employees who innovate, share ideas, and take initiative | B. Selection methods that concentrate on identifying technical skills only | C. Selection methods that include group interviews, open-ended questions, and psychological tests | D. Finding employees who are enthusiastic about and able to contribute to teamwork, empowerment, and knowledge sharing | | 2. The economic approach to evaluating the effectiveness of HR practices focuses on | A. determining the dollar value of a program s costs†¦show more content†¦| A. If the charges are investigated and found to have merit, a formal complaint is issued. | B. Complaints may be deferred to an agreed-upon employer-union grievance procedure. | C. Charges must be filed within 12 months of the alleged unfair labor practice. | D. Charges are filed with the NLRB. | | 12. A country that serves as the home for a corporation s headquarters is referred to as the _______ country. | A. first | B. parent | C. third | D. host | | 13. Which of the following is not appropriate using e-HRM? | A. Online testing | B. Online surveys | C. Online grievance redressal | D. Online recruitment | | 14. The Hofstede dimension that deals with the degree to which a culture prefers structured conditions is | A. individualism. | B. uncertainty avoidance. | C. risk aversion. | D. power distance. | | 15. Which of the following is a false statement about the performance management process across national boundaries? | A. While the measures used may vary from country to country, the legal requirements remain the same as those in the United States. | B. Although employees around the world appreciate feedback, U.S. employees are generally much more used to direct feedback than are employees in other countries. | C. The general principles of performance management apply in most countries, but the specific methods that work in oneShow MoreRelatedEssay on MBA detail course outline1314 Words  | 6 Pages(Evening): 1.5 years (Quarters, 3, 4, 7, 8 14) General Management 1st Quarter Effective : Spring Quarter 2011 Human Resource Management Finance Accounting Banking Finance †¢ Organizational Communication †¢ Organizational Communication †¢ Organizational Communication †¢ Organizational Communication †¢ Principles of Management †¢ Principles of Management †¢ Principles of Management †¢ Principles of Management †¢ Research Methods †¢ Research Methods †¢ ResearchRead MoreHR Roles and Responsibilities Paper 997 Words  | 4 Pages Human resource management is described as the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees behavior, attitudes, and performance.(Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhert, B., Wright, P. (2003). Fundamentals of human resource management, 1e. McGraw-Hill Companies.) 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
adidas bcg - 2242 Words
DEFINITION BCG MATRIX Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix is defined by the following authors as follows: Table 1 Definition of BCG Matrix Pearce (2013) David (2012) BCG Matrix is an approach pioneered by the Boston Consulting Group that attempted to help managers â€Å"balance†the flow of cash resources among their various businesses while also identifying their basic strategic purpose within the overall portfolio. It is also known as â€Å"portfolio techniques†. BCG Matrix graphically portrays differences among divisions in terms of relative market share position and industry growth rate. It allows a multidivisional organization to manage its portfolio of businesses by examining the relative market share position and the industry†¦show more content†¦STEPS IN DEVELOPING BCG MATRIX There are 5 steps in developing the BCG matrix. The steps are as below: Step 1: Choose the unit Step 2: Define the firm’s market share Step 3: Calculate the relative market share Step 4: Find out industry growth rate Step 5: Draw the circle in a matrix Step 1: Choose the unit. BCG matrix can be used to analyze separate business units, separate brands, products or a firm as a unit itself. Choose the unit that to be analyzed such as product of the firm, firm’s geographical area, customer segmentation and so forth. Unit that will be chosen will have an impact on the whole analysis. Therefore, it is essential to define the unit before starting the analysis. Step 2: Define the firm’s market share. After the unit has been chosen, define the firm’s market share based on the unit. The market share of the firm could be calculated based on this formula: Step 3: Calculate the relative market share. The relative market share can be calculated in term of revenue ormarket share. It is calculated by dividing own brand’s market share (or revenue) by the market share (or revenue) of largest competitor in that industry. The formula to calculate: For example, if thelargest competitor’s market share in smartphone industry was 25% and Apple firm’s brand market share was 10% in the same year, Apple relative market share would be only 0.4. Relative market share is given onShow MoreRelatedAdidas: Will Restructuring Its Business Lineup Allow It to Catch Nike?1072 Words  | 5 PagesAdidas: Will Restructuring Its Business Lineup Allow It to Catch Nike? I. CASE OVERVIEW For almost two decades throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Adidas became the best-selling brand of sporting goods in the world. 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Brand awareness always brings a considerable advantage in getting consumers attention and making a good place in that shoe market. If a well established brand name effectively mentions the messages of quality and dependability. Thus consumers will automatically go to that brand relying on the image that has been created when they dont have time to shop around. Athletic shoe manufacturersRead MorePest Swot Analysis of Adidas2035 Words  | 9 PagesYou are consultant of the company. PEST/SWOT etc ----------------------------------- Introduction Adidas is a company that manufactures shoes and sport apparel. The founder is Adolf Dassler who is German. The name created by combination of the name and surname Adi Dassler, who started producing shoes in 1920s with the help of his brother Rudolf Dassler. That make costumer, to recognize Adidas is three parallel stripes of the same color. Slogan: â€Å"IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING†1. 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On Porsche side they are able to use their name and create new products, on the other hand Adidas has a new market to open with this introduction. This joint venture leaves Porsche free from investing in manufaturing facilities and its distribution due to the fact that they will use Adidas. x Question (iii) Evaluate whether `diversification
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Thousand Acres †Summary Free Essays
Major Works Study Form AP Question 3 Title: A Thousand AcresAuthor: Jane Smiley Biographical Information: Jane Smiley was born in Los Angeles, California and later moved to Missouri, where she went to school until college. She went to Art at Vassar College, and then traveled around Europe where she worked on an archeological dig. She returned to America and became a teacher. We will write a custom essay sample on A Thousand Acres – Summary or any similar topic only for you Order Now She had two daughters and a son. Author’s Style: The author’s style is used to display the mysterious and unsettling feeling in the novel. The book is told from the point of view of Ginny. The rape from the father keeps the tone of the book very disturbing and solemn because Jess and Rose want to keep their sister Caroline free of the problems they had to grow up dealing with. Plot Summary: The plot of this book completely parallels Shakespeare’s play â€Å"King Lear†. Larry Cook acts as the King of the novel, and he runs the farm. He has three daughters, Ginny, Rose, and Caroline. In the beginning of the novel, Ginny thinks about the intersection and about the road overall where the farm was. Larry King wants love from his daughters to decide in how he should split up his farm. Ginny and Rose are sexually abused in the novel, but the youngest daughter, Caroline does not partake in this absurd scheme, and becomes a lawyer. She marries another lawyer and lives in Des Moines. Larry is respected by his neighbors and takes on the role of being the advisor but then retires for his children to fill his place. Caroline is cut out of the fathers will because he does not think that he is grateful for everything he has already given to her. Ginny and Rose have to take care of their father Larry, and deal with his rude behavior of drunk driving and wasting his money. Larry goes insane and one day runs out into a storm. The family has to go about their lives trying to cover up their family problems from the public, to make it seem like they are just another normal family. Larry curses Ginny with infertility. The storm in the novel displays the chaos of the family within the book, and the hope after the storm gives hope for the family. Larry goes to the farm of his friend Harold Clarke, where Harold’s son has just returned from a very long journey from. Pete ruins the farm equipment that Larry used, but instead of Larry being blinded, Harold is blinded. Caroline sues the farm, trying to say that they are not farming the right way, and Larry needs to run the farm again. Caroline ends up taking care of Larry as he goes crazy. Ty tries to save the farm from going into debt after Pete dies, but is unsuccessful when Ginny leaves in search of becoming a waitress. Then Rose takes over, but later dies from cancer in more debt than she began with. Ginny and Caroline end up having to sell the farm. Setting (describe each setting and its importance): The farm is the main setting of the novel, which parallels the kingdom of King Lear. Larry Cook owns the farm and raises his children on the land. Another setting in the book is the dump. It is where Ginny and Jess go to hang out, and later use it as a place to have sex. Symbols (describe how they contribute to the characterization, conflict, or thematic pre occupation) One of the biggest symbols of the novel is the dump. It is the place where Ginny and Jess have sex. Dumps in general are grimy and disgusting places, and the sex they had fell along the same lines. The foul act of having sex at the dump symbolizes that instead of having sex in a respectable place like a bed, the random objects in the dump hide their secrets. Another symbol is the white dresses. White dresses represent the innocence of the young girls, which is ironic because they are the opposite of pure. The storm represents the chaos in the novel, and arises during the conflict to parallel the chaos in her family life. Another symbol is the garden. After the storm, when she goes outside to look at her garden, she sees there is very little damage. This provides her with hope for the future, because she connected it to the way that if her precious garden can survive a storm, her family can get through their own storm. A final symbol is the farm, because is the kingdom of Larry Cook. It represents his own area that he owns the way King Lear had control over his own kingdom. Thematic Concerns: One of the main themes is that everything is not what it seems to be. Ginny, Rose, and Caroline all had to keep up the appearance with the farm that everything was normal in their family. In reality, everything was completely chaotic with their family life, but from the outside everything seemed fine. They wore white dresses when they went in public to give off the image that they were pure and clean girls, and kept up the farm so that it always looked neat. They have to try their best to hide their family problems, but ultimately Ginny cannot mask the chaos. Water is usually vital to life, but here the water makes Ginny unable to have a baby, and contributes to Rose’s cancer. Key Quotes: (Choose 3 with Page #) â€Å"While they were cooking, I went out to check my garden. Something that always has amazed me is the resilience of the plants. My tomato vines showed no ill effects from the onslaught of the storm weren’t even muddy, since I had made it a point to mulch them with old newspapers and grass clippings†(197. ) â€Å"Away from the farm, it was easier to think of how people went on from these sorts of troubles; it was easier to see a life as a sturdy rope with occasional knots in it†(248. ) â€Å"I told myself that I had to decide what I really wanted and settle for that- every course of action is a compromise, after all†(308). How to cite A Thousand Acres – Summary, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Song analysis Essay Example For Students
Song analysis Essay 9He abused her love and treated her so bad 10There was not enough education in her world 11That could save the life of this little girl 22She even blamed things on herself 24Nothing was wrong as far as we could tell 25Thats what wed like to tell ourselves 33And maybe next time we could save somebodys life 19Death is abroad. Oh, the black season! A very difficult type of literature is poetry. Poetry is very hard to understand especially when students or anyone is analyzing it under pressure or being forced. When poetry is not being forced to study, it is generally taken more serious and it is easier for poetry to be understood. Poetry can be linked to music in many ways. Some ways can be by the type of genre, lyrics, emotion and pictures. Emotion is the easiest way to relate two pieces of information together. This is the easiest way because no one will feel exactly the same as you. The poem that I have chosen to go with the song is How come, How long by Babyface featuring Stevie Wonder and for my poem is Song be delicate by J. Shaw Neilson. The poem and the song is linked by love, and death. In the poem it says that there should be lovers everywhere, and death is just so open, because you can die in many ways and in the song it says that this girl falls in love with the wrong kind of man and she paid with her life for loving that man. This poem can be interpreted so many ways because the poem uses open words which can be taken in more than one way. The song that I have I think can only be taken one way because it is like a story in a way. In order to show you that a poem can be read in more than one way, I will show you two different treading on the poem Song be delicate by J. Shaw Neilson. Line 1, means that let the words that you speak be gentle and sentimental. Line 2-3 means that there should be happiness every where instead of war. Line 3-4 means that lovers comes out from where they are when there is happiness and no war. Line 5 is the same as line 1. Line 6-8 means that love can be taken seriously and not seriously. It depends o how you take it on the result. If you take it not seriously you will find that you relationship will breakdown and you will be crying if you wanted to take a seriously. Line 9 is the same as Line 5 and 1. This part of the poem means that all different kinds of people can understand different kinds of people can understand different kinds of things. Line 13 is the same as line 9,5 and 1. Line 14-16 means that when the people and go home their love is not appreciated enough, but they feel safe at homes. Line 17 is the same as line 13,9,5 and 1. Line 18-20 means that death is open in many ways that you can die, there should not be no one to be happy about death. Death is a time when you should be thankful for who they were. Line 1 means that the person that you love is being protected. Line 2-4 means that there should be no war in the world so there is lovers everywhere. Line 5 is the same as line 1 means that love can be taken lightly and if so there will not many feelings being hurt as if one person out of the relationship did and the other one didnt. Line 9 means the same as line 5 and 1. Line 10 means that someone that you think is not listening to you could actually be. 11-12 can mean that the people listening to you knows what is going to happen in the next year. Line 13 is the same as 9,5 and 1. Line 14 means that your love one is home for the day. .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da , .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da .postImageUrl , .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da , .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da:hover , .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da:visited , .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da:active { border:0!important; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da:active , .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3d9d230574d4cea24e523c969464b9da:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Eyes Of The Dragon Essay Line 15 means that all their love that they have is bottled up in their hearts and they feel safe with their loved ones around. Line 17 is the same as 13,9,5 and 1. Line 18-20 means .
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